Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm Not A Catholic, But I Play One Online

Ah ... it's that time of year again! I've been getting a ton of emails asking about the Progressive Lent I do every year.

No, I'm not Catholic, but I think there is a virtue to trying to do less, and a period of self examination like lent, where we deny ourselves something, makes us appreciate things we have more.

Not that I think God will let me into heaven quicker just because I didn't eat chocolate for 40 days ...

Anyway, here is the schedule and "rules". None of this is sanctioned by the Catholic Church (or any church for that matter). I just made it up after hearing about something similar from a friend.

Good Luck to all ... I've done this for fourteen years now and have only made it through the whole thing one time.


February 25th – March 3rd … Give Up Desserts, Sweets, & Candy

March 4th – March 10th … Add Giving Up Pork

March 11th – March 17th … Add Giving Up Beef

March 18th – March 24th … Add Giving Up Poultry

March 25th – March 31st … Add Giving Up Fish & Seafood

April 1st – April 7th … Add Giving Up Eggs & Dairy

April 9th – April 12th … From the evening after Holy Thursday service until the morning after Easter service, you are allowed only bread and water.

· You are allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, breads, rice, and potatoes the whole time.

· You are allowed to eat fish or seafood every Friday except for Good Friday when you are fasting on bread and water.

· You are allowed to eat meat on St. Patrick’s Day.

· If you find that holding your fast would embarrass or inconvenient others, you may eat the food you have given up, BUT you must give $5 to the mite box/offering plate/charity for each incident.

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